I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.


At HPRS, the health, safety and well-being of every single one of our pupils is our paramount concern. We listen to our pupils and take seriously what they tell us. Our aim is that children will enjoy their time as pupils in this school. We want to work in partnership with you to help your child to achieve their full potential and make a positive contribution. We have Designated Safeguarding Leads and Deputies in each of our centres.


On rare occasions our concern about a child may mean that we have to consult other agencies even before we contact you. The procedures, which we follow, have been laid down by the Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Board and HPRS has adopted a Safeguarding Policy in line with this for the safety of all.


If you want to know more about our procedures, please ask to speak to a member of the safeguarding team at the relevant centre, using our contact details.


Our Safeguarding Policy is available to download on our main policies page here