Online Safety
In our ever changing world, it is important to recognise how Online Safety is becoming a priority for us all. Whilst the Internet is a useful and informative tool, it also brings with it many issues around keeping safe.
In order to keep ourselves and our families safe, it is important to ensure we provide regular inputs and checks on what is happening online.
At HPRS, online safety is planned for and implemented to ensure all pupils are kept safe when working online. As part of the curriculum, we regularly recap and revisit Online Safety and remind pupils of the principles of online safety.
Below are a range of informative resources to help parents/carers keep their children safe online:
Keeping Children Safe Online (Childnet) –
The ThinkuKnow website provides information and support with any concerns about children using the Internet.
Cyber Streetwise – “Find out about easy steps you can take to protect your home or business from cyber crime”
The Digizen website (part of ChildNet) – “This provides information for educators, parents, carers, and young people. It is used to strengthen their awareness and understanding of what digital citizenship is and encourages users of technology to be and become responsible Digital Citizens.”
A guide from Google to show parents how they can protect your family online:
YouTube Safety Centre:
Facebook Family Safety Centre:
Virgin Media Online Safety: