(what do we intend pupils to learn in this subject; what do we want them to be able to do?)
ASDAN is a programme that allows pupils to develop and recognise a range of skills that will be invaluable when they start work and begin living independent lives. Skills covered will include, Teamwork, Independent Learning, coping with Problems and Using Maths, English and IT.
Pupils will be able to choose activities from the following areas: Communication, The Community, Sport and Leisure, Home Management, The Environment, Number Handling, Health and Survival, World of Work, Science and Technology, The Wider World, Expressive Arts, and Beliefs and Values.
(how is it delivered)
ASDAN is delivered across the whole school curriculum, particularly in Art, Food, PE, Construction and offsite activities.
ASDAN is tailored to suit each individuals needs and interests so that all pupils are able to choose which units they would like to complete.
This is a portfolio qualification with no exam at the end, pupils will be asked to keep evidence of everything they do in a portfolio.
Qualifications / Accreditations offered
ASDAN Bronze, Silver or Gold Award