I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.


Please see the following example of one of our parent’s thoughts on the work of HPRS after her son left at the end of Year 11 last year:

My son, Tim, joined HPRS after struggling at his previous school for a number of years.

There were, of course, a few problems initially as Tim was reluctant to go but soon with the school’s support he attended and started to work really well.

He became more well-adjusted at home and began to trust the teaching staff. The communication and support from all the staff has been outstanding.

I am aware that they have more funding per pupil, so this allows them to have small classes etc but all the staff are passionate about helping these young people who have extra needs.

As a parent, all I wanted was for Tim to be happy and more sociable at school (as he has high social anxiety) and HPRS really helped with this hugely. This affected not only his behaviour in school but at home also.

Tim also has nothing bad to say about any of his teachers or the school and he always enjoyed his time there and I would get text messages from him saying he’s had a good day at school!

Tim’s attitude towards education has really changed as a result of his time there. He is more trusting of adults who are there to help him and he is more willing to try different things as a result.

He is now at Hoople Training doing a pre apprenticeship programme which was set up with help of the school as they really care about the future of their students. He has settled in well, has not missed any days or not wanted to go, and even making friends with fellow pupils and making arrangements to meet up outside the school day! This is unheard of previously as he really struggled with peers - I can only put this down to the fantastic support he received at HPRS and their ability to treat pupils as individuals, thereby increasing their confidence.

I am really pleased that Hereford has this service; I know pupil referral units can have a bad reputation but with my own personal experience of this one, there is nothing bad to say. My only regret is I didn’t send him sooner!