I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.

Management Committee

The Management Committee exercise a similar role to that of governors and take a strategic role in the running of HPRS. The day-to-day leadership and management of HPRS is the responsibility of the senior leadership team.

We have three subcommittees which report to the full Management Committee termly;

  • Curriculum and standards sub-committee
  • Finance sub-committee
  • Pupil Support and Wellbeing sub-committee

If you would like copies of the Management Committee meeting minutes, you may request a copy from the Clerk to the Management Committee Clare O’Grady: CO’Grady@hprs.hereford.sch.uk

If you are interested in becoming a Parent Member of the Management Committee do please contact us.

The current HPRS Management Committee July 2024

Type of member
Appointment date
Expiry Date

Jan Baker


School Community member

Sept 2022

Sept 2026

Partner in P.T and J.M.C Baker

Sarah Robertson

Local Authority member

Sep 2022

Sept 2026

Employee Herefordshire Council

Audrey Clements

School Community member

Feb 2023

Feb 2027

CEO Hoople ltd

Alison Ellis

School Community member

Feb 2023

Feb 2027


Sarah Mobbs

Staff member

Nov 2022

January 2024

Employee HPRS

Beverley Blower

Head of Service

May 2023

May 2027

Head of HPRS

Matt Gower

School Community member

July 2022

July 2026


Nikki Honeyman

School Community member

Sept 2022

January 2024


Katie Bythell

School Community member

Sept 2023

Sept 2027

Business Manager of Lugwardine Primary School

Matthew Morris

School Community member

Sept 2023

Sept 2027

Deputy Head of Kingstone High School

Lucy Davies

Staff Member

Sept 2023

Sept 2027

Employee of HPRS

Diane Blackmore

School Community member

Sept 2023

Sept 2027


Emma Newman

Staff member

June 2024

June 2028
